Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

Company MADAR AL-ARBAT Commercial


Company MADAR AL-ARBAT Commercial, owner of the trademark “TruckAt” (hereinafter referred to as “TruckAt”), values your privacy. This policy explains how TruckAt collects, uses, and shares your personal and sensitive information.

Why Do We Collect User Data?

We collect user data to provide our services effectively, including web and app services, offers, and data relevant to our customers.

What Data Do We Collect?

  • Personal Data: Information such as gender, age, geographic location, phone numbers, and addresses.
  • Cookies: Used for enhancing service delivery and not for personal identification.
  • Device Information: Includes performance data, geographical locations, transmission systems, device type, connection type, payment methods, and IP addresses.

How Do We Use the Data?

  • Service Provision: To deliver TruckAt services and products.
  • Marketing: For advertising and direct marketing purposes.
  • Development: To improve and develop services and products.
  • Legal Compliance: Data may be shared as required by law.

Data Handling Procedures

  • Security: We employ reasonable efforts to protect data from misuse, loss, or unauthorized access.
  • Retention and Deletion: Data is stored securely and destroyed when no longer necessary. Users must maintain the confidentiality of their passwords.

Data Deletion Upon Account Deletion

If you choose to delete your account, all associated data will be permanently deleted from our servers. This includes personal information, transaction history, and any other data linked to your account.

Rights to View Data

Users can request access to their personal data within 90 days, subject to identity verification and possible cost coverage.

Amendments to the Policy

TruckAt reserves the right to amend this policy. Users will be notified of significant changes via available contact information.

Contact Us

For inquiries, modifications, deletions, or any other concerns, please contact us at:

Last Update: 2022-07-01