You got an address With Turks, you can now book the place of your food cart.

An authorized project in cooperation with the Riyadh Municipality concerned with building the infrastructure of the Riyadh region. Food and beverages by organizing and facilitating the mechanism of work of food carts and directing their owners to the way. The best way to start and operate their projects in support of entrepreneurship and national cadres.

Get started with Truckat now!

Owner food cart?

Your customers lost your place?

Traffic jams interrupted your work?

Violations accumulated on you?

Did you find a place that suits you?

You can book your place now through Turks

Simply download the application now, and choose the most suitable place for you in a few minutes

looking forward To start your new project?

  • Would you like to be the owner of a food cart?
  • Reluctant to buy or make a buggy?
  • Afraid of long and boring transactions?
  • You don't know how to start or where to go?

We can help you through a comprehensive guide to start and run your project, through which you can see how to extract official documents and everything you need to get started

Click here

For questions and support

Please contact us by e-mail

For partnership or business sponsorship

Please contact us by e-mail